Here's How To Present And Pitch Your Services 

Without Having To Remember A Script Or Rely 
On PowerPoint Slides...!

Without Having To Remember A Script Or Rely On PowerPoint Slides...!


We’ve All Been There

You are about to present to an audience of multiple potential clients. 

You know if you nail your content and your performance, it’s going to be a great pay day. 

You know your stuff.

After all, your passion for your subject has been forged in the university of life…!

You’ve written out your presentation long hand.

You’ve put together your slides and your bullet points.

You are as prepared as you can be.

And yet your hands are sweating, your heart is pumping and your mouth is as dry as a bone…!

As you begin presenting you instantly feel like you could be doing better.

You try to read the expressions on the faces of the audience, but they are dead pan and not giving much away.

Five bullet points in, you realise you’ve been looking away from the audience and talking to the screen for the last three minutes!

You desperately try to ad lib and elaborate on each bullet, but you end up just saying what you’ve already said and just labouring the point.

You feel you are losing the audience.

In fact some of them look like they are losing the will to live!

You’re nervousness kicks into overdrive and you are now speaking at a hundred miles an hour, which only leads to tripping over your words.

Ten minutes in and now you’re umming, erring and saying the word ‘basically’ every other sentence.

You think to yourself “Damn it, why does this bloody presenting thing have to be so hard?”

Your presentation is supposed to be 60-minutes long, but you glance at your watch and realise you’ve only been going for 17 minutes and you are already on your penultimate slide!

You think on your feet and decide you’ll invite questions at the end to fill the time.

But, you only get three questions.

And after just 25 minutes it’s over.

No sales, not even an expression of interest.

This is a common story throughout the U.K and Europe.

Business owners waste many opportunities to grow their client base.

But it’s not because they’re not good at what they do.

They just don’t know how to design and deliver a presentation with real tangible value built in, that naturally leads to a sale.

Here’s the truth…

Today very few people will sit through a bullet point driven sales presentation..! So what should you be doing instead..?

Your presentation must be ENGAGING…! 

And to be engaging it must give your audience the following three experiences.


Your presentation must teach the audience insightful, fresh and unique ways to improve their current results or solve a problem. And you must have a unique methodology for doing so that gives clarity and certainty as to what needs to be done.


It is not enough that your presentation teaches, it must also entertain too. And yes that means making them laugh…! Not by telling jokes but instead through the medium of story. 


And whilst humour is a great loosener, it’s also vital your audience is moved emotionally too. Why? Because all decisions are made emotionally so if you don’t move them into an altered state they will simply not buy.



Your presentation must teach the audience insightful, fresh and unique ways to improve their current results or solve a problem. And you must have a unique methodology for doing so that gives clarity and certainty as to what needs to be done.


It is not enough that your presentation teaches, it must also entertain too. And yes that means making them laugh…! Not by telling jokes but instead through the medium of story. 


And whilst humour is a great loosener, it’s also vital your audience is moved emotionally too. Why? Because all decisions are made emotionally so if you don’t move them into an altered state they will simply not buy.


“Is it even possible for the average presenter to become a world-class speaker that attracts audiences and wins clients over easily?”

Well if I can do it, anyone can do it…!

My first presentation 
was a disaster!

I was so nervous I kept on taking the lid off the Flipchart pen and clicking it back on again. I did this almost non-stop for 60 minutes without ever using the flip chart once…!

But worse still when I went to the toilet afterwards and looked in the mirror I was horrified to discover I had transferred black ink all over my forehead…!

Fast forward to today and I have presented alongside Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Steve Wozniak (the co founder of Apple), Les Brown and two presidents of the United States!

I’ve performed in giant arenas around the world to audiences of tens of thousands of people including the London o2 Arena…!

And I’ve made over 100 million in sales!

Not bad from someone who started out their career stacking shelves in a supermarket…!

I’m also the Sunday Times best-selling author of Passion Into Profit, - How to make big money from who you are and what you know.

And I am founder of The Professional Speakers Academy.

So why am I telling
you all this…?

Because I get a real kick out of helping business owners (typically those who run their business on their own, or with a team or just one or two people) to design, develop and DELIVER presentations that win clients over easily.

I know beyond doubt I can help you grow your client base.

How do I know? Because I’ve been doing this for 20 years and I’ve got an almost endless list of case study stories.
  • I helped Paul Preston (who hated the sound of his voice because he had a lisp) transform his income from £1200 a month to £1,000,000 a year…! (He’s now made over 10 million in total)
  • I helped Sally Lawson go from making just ONE sale from an audience of 500 people, to making 29 sales from an audience of 79 people with a sale value of £800,000…!
  • I helped Robert Rolih (who doesn’t speak English as his first language) go from a training educator who didn’t know how to sell to now making over £2,000,000 in profit every single year from his online presentations.

And I have 100’s more stories with equally staggering transformations.

And I have 100’s more stories with equally staggering transformations.

Look, frankly there are many things I am terrible at (including remembering to put the rubbish out on a Wednesday morning!) 

But building engaging presentations and turning good presenters into world-class speakers is my thing.

It’s my obsession.
I’ll never retire from it. 
It’s what I love.
It’s who I am. 

Anyway, that’s enough about me.

Let’s talk about you…!

  • I want to help you get paid what you are really worth.
  • I want to get you more visible.
  • I want you to have clients coming to you rather than you going cap in hand to them.
  • ​I want to show you how to build a presentation that educates, entertains and moves audiences emotionally.
  • ​I want to show you how to do this for live audiences.
  • ​I want to show you how to do this for virtual audiences.
  • ​I want to show you how to design your presentation without needing to memorise a script or rely on PowerPoint slides.
And I’m not going to charge you for the training either!

I’m inviting you to a remarkable and unique virtual event and your ticket is complimentary…!

It’s called Pitch Perfect!


Pitch Perfect

Pitch Perfect is a 2hr Virtual event where I will reveal to you how to dramatically improve your presentation skills as a speaker.

I’ll be sharing secrets relating to body language, vocal variety, gestures and emotional connection.

But let me tell you, it’s way more than that.

Because, I’ll also show you the exact formula for crafting the content of your presentations, so you never have to script them out or rely on PowerPoint slides with bullet points ever again…!

But most importantly I’ll show you how to educate, entertain and move your audiences emotionally so they just say… “I’m in, what’s the next step? Or How do I become a client? Or Where do I sign?

At Pitch Perfect You’ll Discover My:

Stress Free Speaker S.Y.S.T.E.M™

Six Techniques to perform at your peak every time you speak.


To ensure your presentation is structured and easy to deliver.

S.T.A.Y And Pay Positioning™

The 4 ways to be engaging 
from the outset.

The Tri-Summit Storytelling System™

A system for designing a delivering spellbinding stories that sell. 

The Motivational Message Multiplier™

So you teach and transform objections into reasons to buy.

The Pitch & Grow 
Rich Formula™

How to make an offer so that people say yes to becoming a client.

So, Are You Ready To Check Out The Date Of My Next Virtual Event?


The even better news is not only is it free to attend but it’s also...

A VIRTUAL EVENT, which means no travel, no hotel bills and no time away from your business or your family. I’ll literally beam the event straight to your desktop or handheld device.

And for complete transparency the reason it’s FREE is because once you have participated in Pitch Perfect, you may want to attend my Speakers University, where you’ll get to present on stage to a live audience AND get feedback from me and my team of mentors on your each and every performance.

But at Pitch Perfect you don’t need to buy anything…!

In fact, I encourage you to attend online and implement everything I share with you immediately, as it’s going to make a huge difference to your very next presentation.

So what do you say?

Fancy a couple of hours of world-class speaker training for FREE from the guy that went from wannabe to headline performer at some of the biggest arenas in the world?

I promise you this:

Pitch Perfect will be so good you’ll be telling your colleagues about it for weeks to come!

And more importantly it could just mean you getting paid what you are really worth, AND enjoying your business again.

After all, business is a lot more fun when you are making money AND making a difference!

During the virtual event there is a live chat roll down the side so make sure to say hi and to interact with me throughout, as you’ll get even more out of it that way.

And if you know someone you think would benefit please share this event with them and enjoy it together.

So go ahead right now and tap on the button to check out the date options I have for you.

Okay, so until I meet with you on the virtual event, keep serving, keep selling and keep on making a difference.

See you there. Andy Harrington

Technology Savings

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