(Without Needing A Fancy Funnel..!)

(Without Needing A Fancy Funnel..!)

You’re an insightful coach.

You’re an experienced consultant.

Your an expert advisor.

But there’s just one problem.

You want and need more clients!

A consistent flow of new clients.

Clients that can afford your fees!

You’ve seen those fancy funnels.

The ones with with up-sells, down-sells and cross-sells. 

But frankly, it just feels overwhelming and complicated.

So scrap all that nonsense And do this instead...

Look, no matter how technically advanced we get here’s the truth... 

The best way to sell your services is with a presentation.

But not a sales presentation (after all it’s not 1985...!)

It must be a presentation that teaches practical and tactical knowhow. 

- A presentation that transforms the beliefs that keep people stuck.
- A presentation that transcends the old pressurised way of selling!
- A presentation that so Pitch Perfect it doesn’t feel like selling at all.
- And a presentation that can be automated!

Hi I’m Andy Harrington, and I’ve been doing presentations for 20 years!

It took me from wannabe to headline performer at the biggest arenas in the world, including the London o2 Arena.

It catapulted me to speaking alongside and working with people like Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Nadia Swarovski, Two Presidents of The United States and Hollywood Movie stars like Gerard Butler.

But today my favourite way to present is virtually.

And that’s what I show people how to do.

How to design and deliver a presentation that gets clients on autopilot.

Which means my clients....

  • Never have to chase in order to win new clients.
  • ​Always have people searching them out ready to pay for their expertise. 
  • ​Have fees that are reassuringly priced in the premium range.
  • ​Have just the right number of clients to be appropriately busy.
  • ​Get recognised and ‘celebrity spotted’ whenever they are in town.
  • ​Get invited to speak at international conferences.
  • ​ Make multiple seven-figures per year in sales revenue.
  • ​ Enjoy a multiple six-figure annual income.


“Is it even possible for the average presenter to become a world-class speaker that attracts audiences and wins clients over easily?”

Well if I can do it, anyone can do it…!

My first presentation 
was a disaster!

I was so nervous I kept on taking the lid off the Flipchart pen and clicking it back on again. I did this almost non-stop for 60 minutes without ever using the flip chart once…!

But worse still when I went to the toilet afterwards and looked in the mirror I was horrified to discover I had transferred black ink all over my forehead…!

Fast forward to today and I have presented alongside Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Steve Wozniak (the co founder of Apple), Les Brown and two presidents of the United States!

I’ve performed in giant arenas around the world to audiences of tens of thousands of people including the London o2 Arena…!

And I’ve made over 100 million in sales!

Not bad from someone who started out their career stacking shelves in a supermarket…!

I’m also the Sunday Times best-selling author of Passion Into Profit, - How to make big money from who you are and what you know.

And I am founder of The Professional Speakers Academy.

Here’s 3 specific before and after stories:

  • I helped Paul Preston become a highly paid property coach. When we met he hated the sound of his voice and was paying small because he had a lisp. So I asked Paul “Why are you trying to fit in when you were born to stand out?” I taught Paul My Tri-Summit Storytelling SystemTM and within a year his income went from £1200 a month to £1,000,000 a year...! (He’s now made over 10 million in total)
  • I helped Sally Lawson become the most respected expert for Letting Agents in the U.K. When we met she had done 9 presentations to 500 people and only made one sale! So I taught her my Pitch & Grow Rich FormulaTM and she immediately made 29 sales from an audience of 79 people with a sale value of £800,000...! (She has now made 12 Million in total...!)
  • I helped Robert Rolih become arguably the most sought after investing advisor in Europe. When I met him he was making a a profit of just £50,000 per year. So I taught him my Impulse Buying InitiatorTM and now he makes £2,000,000 in profit every single year from his online presentations.
And I have 100’s more stories with equally impressive results check out the WhatsApp messages at the bottom of this page to see them...!

Look, frankly there are many things I am terrible at (including remembering to put the rubbish out on a Wednesday morning!)

But teaching coaches, consultants and advisors how to pitch perfectly is what I love.

And I would love to potentially help you. And it won’t cost you anything either.


Pitch Perfect

Pitch Perfect is a 2hr Virtual event where I will reveal to you how to design AND deliver a presentation that wins you clients on autopilot.

I’ll be sharing secrets relating to body language, vocal variety, gestures and emotional connection.

But most importantly I’ll show you how to educate, entertain and use emotion in a way that gets you more than enough sales to thrive.

At Pitch Perfect You’ll Discover My:

Stress Free Speaker S.Y.S.T.E.M™

Six Techniques to perform at your peak every time you speak.


To ensure your presentation is structured and easy to deliver.

S.T.A.Y And Pay Positioning™

The 4 ways to be engaging 
from the outset.

The Tri-Summit Storytelling System™

A system for designing a delivering spellbinding stories that sell. 

The Motivational Message Multiplier™

So you teach and transform objections into reasons to buy.

The Pitch & Grow 
Rich Formula™

How to make an offer so that people say yes to becoming a client.

So, Are You Ready To Check Out The Date Of My Next Virtual Event?


Because Pitch Perfect is A VIRTUAL EVENT

there’s no travel, no hotel bills and no time away from your business or your family.

I’ll literally beam the event straight to your desktop or handheld device.

Please note: This is not a sales webinar, this is a Virtual Event shot in a high-end studio with a multi-camera set up so you stay engaged and entertained for over 2hrs...!

So why stay the best kept secret?

Let me show you how get clients signing-up on autopilot. Clients willing to pay your fees.

Here are just a few of the many WhatsApp Messages I receive from clients..


Technology Savings

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